Prepositions for Beginners

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Prepositions of Direction

Prepositions of Direction
Prepositions of Direction

To: is used for exact destination.
Example: I am going to my office.

Towards: is used when we refer to a direction.It means "in the direction of"
Example: I am going towards the station.

Into: refers to the movement towards the interior.
Example: "She jumped into the river." (not in the river)

At: is used when we want to say 'face to face with'
(a) He was sitting at the table. (not on the table)
(b) My servant stood at the ticket window. (not on the ticket window)
(c) I was looking at his photograph. (not on his photograph)
For: Sometimes for denotes directions.
Example: He is leaving for Delhi today.

Against: means 'pressing against'.
Example: He was pressing against the wall when I saw him.

Off: is used when two things are separated.
Example: "The aeroplane took off at 4 p.m."

From: is used for the point of departure.
Example: He has come from the club.

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