Worksheets on Adverbs

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Introduction to Adverbs

The words that modify the meaning of an adjective or a verb are called Adverbs. Sometimes adverbs may also go with other adverbs. Adverbs basically tell us how, when, where, how often and to what extent the actions have taken place.

The words very, enough, here up, softly, quite, within, regular, where, therefore etc are examples of words that are adverbs.

Lets take a look at the following examples:-
1. He talks politely.
In this sentence, the word politely shows the way the action is done. The word politely is an adverb.
2. Ben has told you twice.
Similarly the word twice in the sentence is an adverb as it tells us how often the action took place.

Worksheet on Adverbs:

Identify and underline the words in the following sentences:-
1. Sham worked hard and hence succeeded.
2. Fisher has never visited Mumbai.
3. She frequently comes here.
4. It rained continuously.
5. Sita and Gita worked efficiently.
6. Rajesh threw the basket down.
7. The nurse examined the patient quickly.
8. Raghav gave no reply.
9. Ambala is quite far from Jaipur.
10. How did you solve the mystery?

1. Sham worked hard and hence succeeded.
2. Fisher has never visited Mumbai.
3. She frequently comes here.
4. It rained continuously.
5. Sita and Gita worked efficiently.
6. Rajesh threw the basket down.
7. The nurse examined the patient quickly.
8. Raghav gave no reply.
9. Ambala is quite far from Jaipur.
10. How did you solve the mystery?
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