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Basic formulas for Number System

10) Divisibility by 125: A number 'N' is divisible by 125, if the last three digits of the number 'N' are either 000 or are divisible 125.
Example: 11223344875, 1000000
Number 11223344875 is divisible by 125 because last three digits of 11223344875 are divisible by 875.
Number 1000000 is divisible by 125 because last three digits of 1000000 are 000.

11) Divisibility by 625: A number 'N' is divisible by 625, if the last four digits of the number 'N' are either 0000 or are divisible 625.
Example: 31250, 11220625
Number 31250 is divisible by 625 because last four digits of 31250 are divisible by 625.
Number 11220625 is divisible by 625 because last four digits of 11220625 are divisible by 625.

12) Divisibility by 6: A number 'N' is divisible by 6, if it is divisible by 2 and by 3.
Example: 123456
Unit's digit of 123456 is divisible by 2. Hence, 123456 is divisible by 2. Sum of the digits of 123456 is divisible
by 3. Hence, 123456 is divisible by 3. As 123456 is divisible by 2 and by 3 therefore, it is divisible by 6.

13) Divisibility by 12: A number 'N' is divisible by 12, if it is divisible by 3 and by 4.
Example: 5676, 123456
Last two digits of 5676 are divisible by 4. Hence, 5676 is divisible by 4. Sum of the digits of 5676 is divisible
by 3. Hence, 5676 is divisible by 3. As 5676 is divisible by 4 and by 3 therefore, it is divisible by 12.
Last two digits of 123456 are divisible by 4.Hence, 123456 is divisible by 4. Sum of the digits of 123456 is divisible by 3.
Hence, 123456 is divisible by 3. As 123456 is divisible by 4 and by 3 therefore, it is divisible by 12.

14) Divisibility by 15: A number 'N' is divisible by 15, if it is divisible by 3 and by 5.
Example: 12345
Number 12345 is divisible by 5 because unit's place of 12345 is 5. Sum of the digits of 12345 is divisible by 3.
Hence, 12345 is divisible by 3. As, 12345 is divisible by 5 and by 3 therefore, it is divisible by 15.

15) Divisibility by 75: A number 'N' is divisible by 75, if it is divisible by 3 and by 25.
Example: 11025
Number 11025 is divisible by 3 because the sum of digits of 11025 is divisible by 3. Last two digits of 11025 are divisible by 25 hence, 11025 is divisible by 25 also. As, 11025 is divisible by 3 and by 25 therefore, it is divisible by 75.

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