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Practice Questions - Areas

Q17) If radius of a circle is decreased by 20%, find the percentage change in area?
1) 36%
2) -44%
3) -20%
4) -36%

Let the initial radius be 1 unit.
Initial area = π(1)2 = π (radius = 1 unit)
Radius of a circle is decreased by 20%
∴ New radius = 0.8 units
Final area = π(0.8)2 = 0.64π
Percentage Change in Area
Change in Area = Final Area - Initial Area = 0.64π - π = -0.36π
Percentage Change in Area = -36%
Hence, option 4.

Q18) A bedsheet when washed, lost 22% of its length and 10% of its breadth. Find the percentage decrease in the area?
1) 32%
2) 24.2%
3) 29.8%
4) 17.5%

Let original length be L, original breadth be B.
Initial_Area = LB
Final_Area = (0.78L)(0.9B) = 0.702LB
∴ Percentage Change in Area
Change in Area = Final Area - Initial Area = 0.702LB - LB = -0.298LB
Percentage Change in Area = -29.8%
-ve sign indicates decrease in area.
Hence, option 3.

Q19) The ratio between the perimeter and the length of the rectangle is 7:2. If the area of the rectangle is 192, then what is the breadth of the rectangle?
1) 16 cm
2) 12 cm
3) 20 cm
4) 15 cm

P/L = 7/2
2(L + B)/L = 7/2
4(L + B) = 7L
4B = 3L
B = 3L/4
Area = L × B = 3L2/4 = 192
L2 = 256
L = 16
Hence, option 1.

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