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Practice Questions on Percentage

Q15) A = p% of 3q and B = r% of 4p. Which of the following is true if it's given that A > B and p > 0.
1) r < 75% of q
2) r = 75% of q
3) r > 125% of p
4) Can't say

Hence, option 1.

Q16) If 40% of p = q, then q% of 40 is
1) 40% of p
2) 8% of p
3) 25% of p
4) 16% of p
Solution: q = 2p/5
q% of 40 = 2q/5 = 4p/25 i.e. 16% of p.
Hence, option 4.

Q17) Find the percentage error in the calculation if a number is multiplied by 3/5 instead of 5/3?
1) 36%
2) 64%
3) 56.25%
4) 100%
Solution: Say the number is 15 (LCM of 3,5)
Error in calculation
Actual number

Hence, option 2.

Q18) If 25% of p = q, then what will be the value of 40% of q in terms of p?
1) 15% of p
2) 62.5% of p
3) 160% of p
4) 10% of p
Solution: A.T.Q. q = p/4; 2q/5 = p/10 i.e. 10% of p
Hence, option 4.

Q19) Jack spends 20% more than Amy. Then Amy spends
1) 20% less than Jack
2) 16.66 % less than Jack
3) 25% less than Jack
4) 9.09% less than Jack
Solution: Say Amy spends Rs 100 so, Jack spends Rs 120
So, Amy spends (20/120)100 = 16.66% less than Jack.
Hence, option 2.

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