Permutation and Combination

Shortcuts - Permutation and Combination

Formation of Numbers with Given Digits:

In these types of questions, it is asked to from numbers with some different digits. These digits can be used with repetetion or without repetetion.

Example: How many 4 digit numbers can be formed with the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5? (Repetetion of digits is not allowed.)

Required ways = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120

Example: How many 4 digit numbers can be formed with the digits 2, 3, 4 and 5? (Repetetion of digits is allowed.)

Required ways = 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 = 45

Example: How many numbers between 400 and 1000 can be formed with the digits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 0?

Here nothing is specified about repetetion of digits, therefore we assume that repetetion of digits is not allowed.
For any number between 400 and 1000 it has to be of 3 digits with hundreds place as 4, 5, 6 (If it starts from 2, 3, 0 then it will not be between 400 and 1000). So, 3 ways for hundreds place.
Tens place can be filled in 5 ways and units place can be filled in 4 ways.
Hence, required ways = 3 × 5 × 4 = 60

Download: Seating Arrangement around Geometrical Figures

Fast Track Formulas/Short Tricks:

Number of circular permutations of n different objects = (n - 1)!

Example: Number of ways in which 5 girls can form a ring?

Solution: Required ways = (5 - 1)! = 4!

In circular permutations, if clockwise and anti-clockwise arrangements are considered to be same, then Number of circular permutations of n objects =

Example: Find the total number of ways, in which 9 beads can form a necklace?

Solution: Required ways =

Let there be 'n' persons in a hall. If every person shakes his hand with every other person only once, then total number of handshakes = C(n,2).

If in place of handshakes each person gives a gift to another person, then the formula is 2 × C(n,2) = n(n - 1)
Number of diagonals in a polygon of 'n' sides = C(n,2) - n

Example: In a party, every person shakes his hand with every other person only once. If total number of handshakes are 210, then find the number of persons?

Solution: Let the number of persons be 'n'. Then C(n,2) = 210.
n = 21.

Download: Permutation and Combination Practice Questions

If there are 'n' non-collinear points in a plane, then
1) Number of straight lines formed = C(n,2)
2) Number of triangles formed = C(n,3)
3) Number of quadrilaterals formed = C(n,4)

Example: In a plane there are 16 non-collinear points. Find the number of straight lines formed?
Solution: Number of straight lines formed = C(16,2) = 120

If there are 'n' points in a plane out of which 'm' are collinear, then
1) Number of straight lines formed = C(n,2) - C(m,2) + 1
2) Number of triangles formed = C(n,3) - C(m,3)

Example: In a plane there are 11 points out of which 5 are collinear. Find the number of triangles formed?
Solution: Number of triangles formed = C(11,3) - C(5,3) = 165 - 10 = 155

Hard Questions:

In an exam, there are three sections of maximum marks 100. In how many ways can one score 230 marks if in each section, he should get atleast 50 marks?

Required ways = 1926

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