Profit and Loss

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Practice Questions on Profit and Loss

Q26) A cloth merchant bought 20 shirts, each for Rs 188. He paid Rs 240 as transportation charges and sold each shirt at Rs 226. Find his profit/loss percentage.
1) 20.2%
2) -46%
3) 13%
4) -5.8%


Total Cost = Cost of 20 shirts + transportation charges = 20×(188) + 240 = Rs 4000
Cost per shirt = 4000/20 = 200
Profit = 226 - 200 = 26
% Profit = (26/200)×100% = 13%
Hence, option 3.

Q27) A trader buys 25 Kg of wheat at Rs 1.6/Kg, and another 50 Kg of wheat at Rs 0.90/ Kg. He mixes them and sells 1/3rd of the mixture at Rs 1/Kg. At what price should he sell the remaining mixture to get an overall profit of 20%?
1) Rs 1.54
2) Rs 1.25
3) Rs 1.44
4) Rs 1.7


Total cost of the mixture = 25(1.6) + 50(0.9) = Rs 85.
At 20% profit, total SP = 1.2×(85) = Rs 102
He sells 25 Kg at Rs 1 per Kg = Rs 25
Therefore, he should sell remaining 50 Kg for Rs (102 - 25) = Rs 77
SP per Kg for the remaining 50 Kg = 77/50 = Rs 1.54
Hence, option 1.

Q28) A reduction of 10% in the price of salt enables a person to buy 2 kg more for Rs.180. Find the reduced and the original price per kg of salt respectively.
1) Rs 10, Rs 9
2) Rs 9, Rs 10
3) Rs 18, Rs 20
4) Rs 20, Rs 18


Expense = Price per Kg × Quantity purchased
180 = pq
180 = (0.9p)×(q + 2)
pq = (0.9p)×(q + 2)
on solving, q = 18
p = 180/q = 180/18 = Rs 10
Reduced price = 0.9p = Rs 9
Hence, option 2.

Download: Practice Questions on Profit and Loss

Q29) A dishonest fruit vendor professes to sell his goods at a profit of 10% and he uses a weight of 16 g for 20 g. Find his gain per cent.
1) 20%
2) 25%
3) 40%
4) 37.5%


Let CP = Rs 100 per 100 grams.
SP = Rs 110 per 100 grams (At 10% profit)
Weight used: 16 grams for 20 grams i.e. 80 grams for 100 grams.
Fruit vendor gives 80 grams and charges SP of 100 grams.
CP of 80 grams = Rs 80.
SP of 80 grams = Rs 110.
Profit percentage = (30/80)×100 = 37.5%
Hence, option 2.

Q30) Sunil calculates his profit percentage on the selling price whereas Sujeet calculates his profit on the cost price. They find that the difference of their profits is Rs. 900. If the selling price of both of them are the same, and Sunil gets 50% profit and Sujeet gets 40% profit, then find their selling price.
1) Rs 4000
2) Rs 4200
3) Rs 4500
4) Rs 4800


Let Selling Price = SP
For Sunil,
Profit % = (Profit/SP)×100%
50 = (Profit/SP)×100
Profit = SP/2
So, CP of Sunil = SP - Profit = SP - SP/2 = SP/2
For Sujeet,
Profit % = (Profit/CP)×100%
40 = (Profit/CP)×100
Profit/CP = 2/5
Profit of Sujeet = 2x
CP of Sujeet = 5x
SP of Sujeet = 7x = SP
x = SP/7
Difference of their profits is Rs. 900
SP/2 - 2SP/7 = 900
3SP/14 = 900
SP = 4200
Hence, option 2.

Q31) I sell 9 articles for the same money as I paid for 12. What is my gain per cent?
1) 25%
2) 20%
3) 33%
4) 12.5%


SP(9) = CP(12)
SP(9) = CP(9) + CP(3)
As, SP = CP + Profit
So, gain % = (3/9)×100% = 33.33%
Hence, option 3.

Q32) A newspaper vendor sells three kinds of periodicals - dailies, weeklies, and fortnightlies. The fortnightlies sell for Rs 40 at a profit of 25%. The weeklies sell for Rs 24 at a profit of 33.33%. The dailies sell for Rs 6 at a profit of 50%. Government passes a rule, as per which a vendor cannot sell more than a particular number of periodicals per month. In order to maximize his profits, what should the vendor do. (Given that he can sell as many copies of each periodical as he desires and he has enough of investments)
1) Sell maximum dailies
2) Sell maximum weeklies
3) Sell maximum fortnightlies
4) Depends on the cost price of each periodical


Profit on a fortnightly = Rs 8
Profit on a weekly = Rs 6
Profit on a daily = Rs 2
As profit is maximum on a fortnightly so the vendor must sell maximum fortnightlies.
Hence, option 3.