Profit and Loss

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Practice Questions on Profit and Loss

Q18) A man gains 30% by selling an article at a certain price. If he sells it at half that price then his profit/loss percent will be:
1) -15%
2) 15%
3) -35%
4) -30%


Say CP = Rs 100
So, SP = Rs 130
As the article is sold for half that price then SP = Rs 65

Hence, option 3.

Q19) At what profit percent must an article be sold so that by selling at half that price, there may be a loss of 20%.
1) 60%
2) 40%
3) 20%
4) 120%


Say CP = Rs 100 and y be the SP when the article is sold at some profit.
When loss = 20%, then SP = Rs 80
So ATQ, y = 2(80) = Rs 160.

Hence, option 1.

Download: Practice Questions on Profit and Loss

Q20) A fruitseller sells 1/4th of the fruit he has at a profit of 20%, and the remaining at a loss of 16%. Find the net profit/loss percentage?
1) 7% loss
2) 11% profit
3) 4% loss
4) Depends upon the total quantity of fruit with the fruitseller


Net profit/loss percent on the overall transaction = (1/4)×20 + (3/4)×(-16) = -7% (-ve sign indicates loss)
Hence, option 1.

Q21) If selling price is doubled, profit triples. Find the profit percentage?
1) 50%
2) 150%
3) 100%
4) 200%


Hence, option 3.

Q22) A shopkeeper marks up the articles by 160%. If the cost increases by 32% but the selling price remains constant, then what is the percentage change in the profit?
1) -32%
2) -28%
3) -60%
4) -20%


Hence, option 4.

Q23) Dinesh purchased some lemons. He purchased 3 lemons for Rs 2. He sold all the lemons and earned 25% profit. At what rate did he sell all the lemons?
1) 5 for Rs.4
2) 7 for Rs.8
3) 4 for Rs.3
4) 6 for Rs.5


CP = 3 lemons for Rs 2
SP = 3 lemons for Rs 2.5 (25% profit)
SP = 6 lemons for Rs 5
Hence, option 4.

Q24) Dinesh purchased some lemons. He sold all the lemons. He sold 8 lemons for Rs 7 and earned 40% profit. In order to obtain 50% profit what should be the selling rate?
1) 15 for Rs 13
2) 16 for Rs 15
3) 15 for Rs 16
4) 17 for Rs 16


SP = 8 lemons for Rs 7
At 40% profit, SP = 1.4CP
CP = SP/1.4 = 7/1.4 = 5
CP = 8 lemons for Rs 5
For 50% profit, SP = 1.5CP = 1.5×5 = 7.5
SP = 8 lemons for Rs 7.5 i.e. 16 lemons for Rs 15
Hence, option 2.

Q25) A shopkeeper marks his goods 30% above the cost price but allows 30% discount for cash payment. If he sells the article for Rs. 2730, find the cost price.
1) Rs 3500
2) Rs 3000
3) Rs 2950
4) Rs 2800


Let CP = 100
MP = 130
SP = 91
According to the question, SP = 2730
So, CP = 100×2730/91 = Rs 3000
Hence, option 2.